Add conditions and/or actions

1) Understand your workflow first

Ensure that you have gone through the step of building your form and have mapped out whom you want each email response will go to.

In this example, I have created a simple sponsorship request form. Depending on the department selected in the form, the sponsorship request will be routed to different recipients e.g HOD of the respective departments

2) Click on "Next Step"

There are 3 possible next steps that you can take:

(i) Add a routing condition

(ii) Request for approval

(iii) End the route

In this case, I want incoming responses to be routed automatically to the relevant head of departments. To do so, I first have to add a routing condition.

3) Add a routing condition

Upon selecting "Add a routing condition", Checkpoint is able to automatically detect all dropdown fields in the linked FormSG. Select the relevant checkbox, dropdown or radio field and click "Save".

Upon clicking on "Save", CheckPoint automatically populates the column with all possible options included in the FormSG

4) Add approval steps

To add an approval step to your workflow, click "Next step" and this time round, select "Request for approval"

Choose if the approvals are specific email addresses or taken from a FormSG email field.

Specify by email addresses -> You will be asked to input the email address of all approver(s)

Specify from form field -> You will need to select an email field available from FormSG

5) Complete the rest of the route map

You can continue to add as many approval steps as required

When you have reached the final step in your approval process, select "End the route".

A status update email will be sent to you form respondent. You may want to also opt for a copy of the email thread to specific email addresses e.g. finance team for collation.

Here's an example of how a completed route map would look like!

Last updated